EcoAwards are free awards from the United Nations Association Coventry Branch for organisations and individuals that undertake eco-related activities.
2023 will be a pilot year and the Awards will only be available to Coventry Schools and students.
In following years we will open the Award to a wider audience including Colleges and Universities and their students, Businesses, Wards, streets and Individuals within the City of Coventry.
Click here for some of the benefits of applying for an EcoAward
And click here for a few ideas about what projects you could run
Applications will be quality assured by a panel of judges and awarded a grade between 1 and 5*.
See here for information about the judging process
Those who qualify for a reward receive a free Certificate.
How to apply for School EcoAwards
Note applications will openĀ for Coventry schools and students in 2023, but you can start work on your project now.
We suggest you might find it helpful to visit our sister site, EcoForum, to gain more ideas about what you can do and how to work with others to plan and run your project.